The Journey Home…
It has been my experience that Awe leads naturally to Wonder which carries us right to Appreciation of these exquisite experiences. As we feel the appreciation and gratitude, Reverence spontaneous arises and is followed by an outpouring of wanting to live these qualities, to Embody the miraculousness of being human. This progression – this ‘journey’ takes us home into our authenticity, into our wholeness.
What if some of what we are labeling ‘mental illness’ is not all mental? What if the distress is coming from some other part of us that is suffering profoundly and is crying out for the right kind of attention, the right kind of nurturing, maybe even just for recognition of its existence?
I believe that there is a vitally important aspect of being Human that the vast majority of our current parenting theories, psychological theories, educational approaches and our culture in general are all overlooking. ‘Overlooking’ in the sense that it’s right inside us but since they are looking outwards for it or looking only at physiological, mental or emotional levels, they just ‘can’t see for looking’. It is a deeper, subtle part of us that is not the mind or the emotions. Some call it the Essential Self or the Soul, the ‘silent self’ as opposed to our ‘social self’. A quiet, deep Self which is inextricably linked with the heart and intuition. Without proper attention and nourishment, this aspect of the Human Being can become atrophied, bitter or disappointed and it suffers excruciatingly. This suffering can look much like what we call ‘Mental Illness’ – depression, anxiety, anger, lack of empathy, grief. In children, it can manifest as defiance, aggression – even hyperactivity – or in a gradual shutdown, loss of interest in living and chronic sadness or anxiety.
Just as a plant needs water and our bodies need to breathe, the Essential Self needs the food of Awe and Wonder, Appreciation, Reverence and Embodiment in order to thrive.